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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  December 7, 2012 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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a skateboarder struck in the east bay tonight. it is one of two deadly accidents police are investigating right now. good evening, everyone. i'm carolyn johnson. >> and i'm dan ashley. a head on collision in byron
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and two people killed there. and tonight a 21-year-old man riding a skateboard was killed in concord. abc7 news reporter nick smith is live in concord to explain what happened to the skateboarder. nick? >> dan, good evening. police are not saying much about the accident that took the life of that 21-year-old man. but they have confirmed to me that concord was his home. police tell abc7 news that a woman from clayton was driving this chevy tahoe when she hit and killed a man who was riding on his skateboard. the accident happened just after 4:30 this afternoon shutting down the traffic on monument boulevard and erickson road for hours while police collected evidence at the scene. police have confirmed the skateboarder, a 21-year-old from concord, was in the crosswalk headed northbound at erickson when he was hit by the driver of the chevy tahoe. when emergency personnel arrived at the scene, they immediately learned that the victim suffered major injuries.
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he was rushed to john muir hospital in walnut creek where he later died from his injuries. police are not releasing the name of the victim or the driver. but according to social media sites, it looks as though the driver may have just celebrated her 21st birthday in vegas. police are still investigating whether or not drugs or alcohol were a factor, but there were no arrests made at the scene. in concord, nick smith, abc7 news. >> nick, thank you. the bay ron highway in contra costa -- the byron highway is in contra costa is back open after an accident that killed two people including a young boy. sky heavy hd flew over the scene. witnesses say the driver of an 88 oldsmobile swerved across the yellow line and then smashed into the big rig. the boy believed to be between 8 and 9 years old died at the scene. the driver, a 21-year-old woman from bay point died at the hospital. the supreme court today announced it will take up two
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same-sex marriage cases including proposition 8. it was approved by voters in 2008 and it banned same sex marriage as you know. the justices will also take up the 1996 defensive marriage act which withholds federal recognition and spousal benefits for gay couples. some people hope for the right to marry while other say states rights will trump washington. >> i have been waiting to enjoy the same privilege. >> the constitution of the united states doesn't have marriage in it. and the 10th amendment says what is not in the federal powers belongs to the states. >> the justices will decide by late june whether gay couples have the constitutional right to marry. a cold night ahead. abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel is here with a look at live doppler 7hd. sandhya? >> tonight is a night where you will want to bundle up and stay warm. if you are not heading out the door, you may want to turn up
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the heat. let me show you live doppler 7hd. we have high fog and clouds around, but neither one insulating us. here is the deal. the temperatures are dropping and the visibility is also dropping in santa rosa down to .5 or half a mile right now. it is getting thick. you are going to have to be careful if you have early morning plans. check out the temperatures. 40 in santa rosa and 41 in fairfield and down to 42 degrees in los gatos and 45 in half moon bay. i will be back to show you exactly how low those temperatures will go and whether you will get a chance to thaw out under sunny skies or if you will need the umbrellas over the weekend in a few minutes. dan? >> sandhya, thanks very much. a major rock slide has shutdown highway 128 near lake berry ease saw. the chp is asking people to avoid an area near napa county. that road is expected to be closed until at least tomorrow. san jose police arrested woman in connection with the shooting death of a teenager. authorities believe that 23-year-old rebecca villa knew
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way vaw was involved in the murder of 17-year-old daniel capatio. he was killed last friday night on pacific avenue. detectives believe the murder was gang-related and that villa knew way vaw did not act alone. >> the assaults have all happened on 2 throughyrd street in a five-month span. take a look at these two sketches. they are believed to be the same person. he is in his 30s and 5 foot 7 and wearing a gold chain with a cross. witnesses say he drives a white four-door sedan similar to an altima and it may have a child seat in the back. residents in the area say it is usually pretty safe there. >> i do walk around in the neighborhood by myself. this is the first time i have ever heard of anything like this around here. it is generally a safe place. i haven't been concerned. >> the man is suspected it of raping two women and attempting to assault a third. a man who scaled scaled a
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construction scaffold is in custody. sky 7hd captured this video as he perched above officers on pier29. he struck one person with a skateboard and kicked another at 1 embarcadero before taking off. it disrupted traffic for about throw hours. it is drugged driving, not just drunk driving you need to be aware of. the california highway patrol says there have been eight fatal collisions. five are involving drivers high on marijuana. you may recall we told you about an office of traffic safety survey that was released last month. it shows twice as many people were caught driving under the influence of drugs rather than alcohol in nine california cities on friday and saturday night last summer. well, t minus 24 days and counting until the fiscal cliff deadline. no progress was made in washington. the main sticking point are about tax cuts that are set to expire and the president's
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demand that the wealthy pay more in taxes. the uncertainty of what is going to happen is starting to have an impact on donations to charity. abc7 news reporter ama dates dates is live in the newsroom. >> it is possible the tax deduction for charitable giving could be capped next year. so the question is do you hold on to your money during the financial uncertainty or donate more while you know you will get a deduction. for one charity in san francisco it seems people are doing a little of both. the food pantry at the st. anthony foundation is in good shape today, but overall donations are down for the year. >> we are a little bit behind where we would like to be, where we are budgeted to be. >> the interim executive director says the charity is seeing interesting trends this holiday season that may have to do with the impending fiscal cliff. >> we are seeing people who have never given us a stock donation before stepping up and making that kind of gift to us. >> they could be concerned that the tax deduction for chair writ believe a giving would be cut saving the
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government money. private wealth advisor says it can make sense to get more bang for your donation buck. it would help charities this year, but people may be less generous in years to come. >> people who would like to donate some this year and potentially some next year may try to double up and donate more this year. >> but the uncertain financial future is also causing fear. >> and many people are afraid to make any move, so then there is paralysis because if you don't know what is coming and you try to stay as liquid as you can. we try to hold on to what we have. you are not as willing to donate or spend in general. >> st. anthony's is seeing this as well. >> some of the people who traditionally have given us end of year stock donations. we are seeing about half of those coming through. joy st. anthony's -- >> st. anthony's is optimistic their donors will come through.
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>> it is thr is a real sense of compassion. >> and he agrees. he says some wealthy people may donate less if it benefits them less. he thinks overall people donate because they want to help. the tax deduction is a bonus. >> ama dates reports. sadness and outrage from around the world. the prank call that had even the royals laughs has taken a tragic turn. >> and an oakland church group robbed and left penniless. how their shock turned to despair and ultimately relief. >> and the missing powerball winner has urn ited in his ticket. -- has turned in his ticket. who he is and what he will do with the million dollars. >> all of that is coming up and then later on "nightline." >> dan and carolyn coming up next, the royal crank call that ended in tragedy. with the death of the thursday who answered the phone at the hospital where duchess kate was staying. what happens when prapgs go wrong. -- when pranks go wrong. and one couple's journey to save their relationship
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a tragic headline has come out of england. one of the nurses duped by australian dj's to try and connect with kate, the duchess of cambridge, has died. now scotland yard is on the case and here are the details. >> king edward the 7th hospital has been at the center of a white hot media glare. and one day after kate checked out, tragedy. >> it is with deep sadness i can confirm the tragic death of a member of our nursing staff. jacintha. >> she answered the phone on tuesday when two australian dj's impersonating the queen. >> can i speak to kate please, my granddaughter? >> oh yes, hold on mum. >> she put them straight through to kate's private nurse who divulged details about her medical condition. it became a global punch line.
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>> an australian radio station has managed to trick the hospital. >> the whole world laughing at the duke nurses. even prince charles making light of the situation. the dj's boasting of their prank. >> we were expecting to be hung up, and we didn't even know what to say. >> the hospital acknowledged the nurse who answered the phone. >> jacintha was recently the victim of a hoax call to the hospital. the hospital had been supporting her through this very difficult time. >> this morning she was found dead just a few blocks from the hospital. scotland yard called her death unexplained, but not suspicious. she was 46 years old, married with two children. this australia, the dj's have been yanked off the air until further notice while the radio station apologized and expressed deep shock. and tonight the palace released a statement saying william and kate are deeply saddened by the tragedy. abc news, london.
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members of an oakland church group who were robbed in florida are finding out first happened about giving back. the -- firsthand about giving back. they are from the marantha youth ministry. but while there somebody broke into their van and stole $12,000. several floridians heard the group's story and they stepped forward. >> i have a little something. i have $15,000. >> how about that for the holiday spirit? another man treated the group to lunch. the group will come home on monday with a story to tell about the kindness of strappingers. -- strangers. the university of california is going modern. the old logo on the left. and the new look on the right. the older more traditional symbol will appear on university documents. the new one which has the letter c at the bottom of a stylized open book will appear
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on marketing materials and websites. the school wanted something more user friendly. the other winner of the $587 million powerball jackpot claimed his prize today. we don't know too much about him other than he lives in fountain hills, arizona and is in his 30s and married. his wife will get half as his wife is a community property state. the family plans to increase its charitable donations. he has a regular job for now. joy exactly. -- >> exactly. let's get a check of the forecast. looks like it will be nice. >> nice and chilly. meteorologist sandhya patel is here with the forecast. >> it is getting chilly outside. but i do have a winning forecast. it is 39 in santa rosa and just to give you an indication as to how cold. i was on the roof of the kgtv broadcast center and i posted a picture of my spectacular view. it was the sunsetting, and so people were like, hey, check out moi view.
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check out my view. this walls the sunset posted by clarice m to my facebook page and they didn't stop. this is another one posted to my twitter. it is from chris astro. he is saying "my view was better." let's check out live doppler 7hd, and the view from that perspective involves some high clouds and fog at this hour. fog could be a problem especially for the morning. already visibility is dropping. fairfield is down to half a mile. three quarters of a mile and over a mile in santa rosa now and down toward salinas it is a quarter mile visibility. it is getting dense. chilly tonight. patchy, dense fog and mild and sunny for your weekend, and we are looking at cooler conditions with a chance of showers returning. that's when our live doppler 7hd could be tracking some light, spotty showers. tomorrow morning don't worry about the showers. it is going to be a cold start. make sure you have layers on. 35 in santa rosa and 36 in
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napa. if you head out the door 42 antioch and 39 vallejo. livermore 38. oakland, san mateo 44, 46 in san jose, 43 in santa cruz and 47 in san francisco. so nights are getting colder as we are two weeks away from winter, and the days are getting shorter. here is a look at satellite and radar. high pressure controlling our weather for the weekend and it is going to be milder as we head into the weekend. sunshine and occasional high clouds looking beautiful. the only thing i am concerned about is the fog that is in the central valley has spilled over to their area and it could drop and make for poor conditions in the early morning hours. make sure if you do have to get somewhere for an early saturday plan you give yourself some more time. 62 santa clara and 62 in san jose. high clouds and sunshine on the peninsula and 62 in palo alto. sunset district, downtown san francisco 61. these high clouds are harmless. it is going to be beautiful in
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the north bay. 61 in san rafael. the sunsets were thanks to the high clouds. they are made up of ice crystals and they are giving us a lot of colors. 63 in oakland and the east bay and fremont. inland community 62 fairfield and 61 dublin. 61 in monterey and 60 for caramel. if you are head together 49ers game this sunday at the stick, 1:05 and 60 degrees and they are hosting the miami dolphins. 4:05 and 62 degrees. we are looking at mostly sunny and mild weather and looking beautiful for that. the accu-weather seven-day forecast looks great, mild conditions monday. a little cooler on tuesday. much cooler and thunder showers showers -- much cooler cooler and showers on wednesday. lisa argen will be here at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning with any updates, carolyn and dan. >> thanks. this little girl wants just one thing for christmas. >> the tall order this santa was able to fill right there on the spot. stay
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a snowfall captured the crowd's attention as the festivities got under way. chris cringe gel and the -- chris kr nie gle and the missal-tones, get it, kept the crowd busy. downtown businesses stayed open late tempting shoppers with gifts for the holidays. fun. a five-year-old wisconsin girl will not soon forget this holiday season. >> what would you like for christmas?
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>> my daddy to come home. >> where is daddy? >> in the afghanistan. >> dad is in afghanistan? >> she could not believe it when her dad walked through here. he arrived home three days early from a 10-month tour of duty. how nice it is to get exactly what you wish for. >> that is a christmas gift to remember. boy santa pulled off a good one there. >> i thought dad might have been santa. >> that would have been a good way to do it. >> all right, the warriors gett some nice presents too. coach mike jackson returning home to brooklyn. this turned out to be a very happy homecoming in new york thanks to david leigh. sports coming up next.
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there is a surprise for the second final in 20 years the warriors have won 12 of the last 19 games. coach mark jackson was born in brooke loon. brooklyn. his confidence is growing and the steel here and you take it to the rack. he finished it with 32 points and the nets by 6. but curry went from simmer to boil and knocking down three's. steph a pull up jumper and he made it 28 to the fourth quarter. not the shot, but the dish and he had six points and 10 boards and three steals. david lee cleaning up inside here. he had a double-double 30 points, 15 rebounds 109-102 warriors. they are doing all of this without andrew bogin. even before they kicked off the season dennis alan said raiders management knew they didn't have a playoff contender.
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i'm sure they didn't envision a 3-10 tau -- tabacle. he says he and the gm reggie mckenzie says they knew it would be a rebuilding project, but it looks like a complete tear down. >> reggie and i have talked about it. we knew what we were dealing with when we came here. we knew we had depth issues on the roster and couldn't sustain a lot of injuries. we all want to win and we understand that. i want to win now, but i am looking at the long-term future of this team. we have to prepare for the future. >> after back to back road games the 49ers come home on sunday. they will host miami. the kaepernick experiment continues. miami is not a pushover. they are 5-7 and better than peek expected. they have a good defense and will get some push up front. the 49ers are coming off a difficult overtime loss to the rams. jim harbaugh said his team is
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ticked off and was asked if being angry is a benefit. >> you know, when you are ticked off, you are going to do one of two things. you will do something about it, or you can go cower in the corner. you can shrivel up into fetal position. that's what people do. let's do something about it. >> cow better in the corner is my trademark. the heisman trophy will be handed out tomorrow night in new york. it is a two-man race. the winner will make history. the line backer for notre dame and he will be the first player to defend the heisman. colin klein will be kansas state's first player to take home the coveted award. they call him johnny football from texas a&m and he would be the first freshman to capture the heisman. >> it would be a dream come true for me to be able to be
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the first freshman to win the honor and to bring the heisman trophy back to texas a&m. just the pride it would bring to not only my family, but everybody in aggie land and everybody involved in the texas a&m program, it would mean the world. >> when a's think about mccarthy this will flash in their mind. the line drive could have killed him. it was his last pitch for oakland. he agreed to a deal with arizona for $15.5. he was 8-6 for the tbreen and gold last year. to the ice and san francisco bulls hosting the colorado eagles. the third period and the bulls are down 4-0, but we need one san francisco goal because this was teddy bear toss night. morrison scored and so did the fans. they threw the teddy bears on to the ice to be donated to charity. so even though the bulls lost 5-1, the kids are all winners. abc7 sports brought to you by river rock casino. >> teddy bears are better than
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squid. much better than what they do in detroit. >> "nightline" is up next. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm carolyn johnson. for larry beil, sandhya patel and all of us here at abc news, thanks for joining us. >> we appreciate your time and
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tonight on "nightline," a royal crank call that ended in tragedy. >> hello there. could i please speak to kate, please? >> with the mysterious death of a nurse who answered the phone in the hospital where a pregnant duchess kate was staying. tonight, a shocking look at pranks gone wrong. the love ranch. could these gentle beasts hold the secret to lasting human love?


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